Filing a Lawsuit against Employer – Everything You Need to Know

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Filing a Lawsuit against Employer – Everything You Need to Know

Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is imposed as a strong principle in every business culture around the world. The “safety needs” require special consideration, however, because many employees tend to suffer at the hands of their employers. Every organization is required to keep track of employee satisfaction and safety in their culture. Employees have every right to have a sense of fulfillment, safety, and contentment on the job. This practice is astonishingly simple but woefully infrequent.

Throughout history, employees have faced different struggles. Men and women both have shared and individual struggles which they have to put up with every day at work. The problems are the same in every category and industry. However, the intensity and saturation of a problematic culture can differ from one industry to another. An art gallery may treat its employees more appropriately than a restaurant (subjective declaration).

If you personally feel or claim that you have been wronged by your employer or they have committed malpractice in your treatment, here is how you can fight for your rights:

Resolving the problem through in-house management control

Asses your problem and find out if the bylaws and code of conduct of your organization have any respective policy to address your problem. In a case where you have faced gender discrimination, harassment, racism, homophobia, etc. you can take the problem to your Human Resource department and proceed from there.

Every organization has developed policies to safeguard the rights and security of employees, and they are legally liable to do so.


Filing a lawsuit is a serious matter and not only would involve hefty financial transactions but time, attention and a heap of mental stress. However, every employer is empowered enough to charge with a full-blown lawsuit against their employer if there is a need.

Cases like worker’s compensation, harassment, sexual assault, hindrances in the promotion, pay gap, racial discrimination, etc. open a likely scenario for a lawsuit. It is better to find a suitable and competitive legal representation because one is against a whole corporation with ease of resources. A good example of an attorney representing corporate clients includes David Sanford, the Chairman of Sanford Heisler Sharp, LLP in New York. David has spent a major portion of career representing C-suite clients. Sanford has been involved in a number of cases of gender discrimination and is profoundly known as a champion of women’s rights in legal practice. David is a well-respected attorney and his legal knowledge and experience is something which young professionals look up to.

Meanwhile, it is also important to find out how far the federal laws support you in your claims. Let’s take the example of whistleblowers. The United States of America has Whistleblower Protections Rights for employees who fear to lose their jobs or other kinds of threats if they choose to speak up. OSHA’s Whistleblower Protection Program is a sound example of it. Besides, Clean Air Act also protects those who speak against employers transgressing environmental laws and Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act is for those who want to speak up against unfair manufacturing practices.

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